“Reckless” is owned by Nic Andrews, one of our Veterinary Nurses. She is a 20 year old appaloosa paint mare. Recently “Reckless” has been serviced by her new found love “Doc”, who is a chestnut and white overo stallion. Fingers crossed for “Reckless” that she is pregnant. We will know in about three weeks time the results of the pregnancy ultrasound and will let you all know the news. You can see from the photo she will have a beautiful foal!
“Reckless” is 20 years old and has already had one other foal named “Mambo”. “Mambo” is now 3 years old.
Nic also has “Shyanne” , a chestnut warmblood quarter horse cross, and “Malibu” who is “Shyanne’s” baby.
Nic is very hopeful that she will be able to add to her stable of horses…….be sure to keep checking our latest blogs for the updates.